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view post Posted on 24/3/2007, 16:21

Yulianna, sono certa che unl ruolo comico stà aspettando proprio Julian. :D

Sissy, grazie per aver postato l'articolo :fiori: ...è un'intervista molto completa che spazia tra tutti gli attuali ruoli di Julian, non mi sembra vero che abbia tre film e un telefilm in uscita quest'anno. :yahoo:
view post Posted on 26/3/2007, 15:19

Are you signed up for a third one or do you think this is basically Dr Doom’s swansong now?
I have another one in my contract, also applicable to the fact of whether they think it works or whether they want him back and all that kind of stuff so it just depends on how this next movie goes I guess. My contract is a little bit different to everybody else’s in the fact that my third one is I get to do Fantastic Four or just another movie for Fox. So time will tell and we’ll see what happens with that one.

questa e' una gran bella notizia :roll: :yahoo:
view post Posted on 26/3/2007, 19:21

io preferirei un altro film, anche se doom mi piace, ma sarebbe bello un nuovo personaggio :hurrah:
view post Posted on 26/3/2007, 23:43

Ma siiiiiii :yahoo: ...se anche non dovesse fare il terzo film parteciperebbe comunque ad un altro film con la Fox. :woot:
Io spero che faccia entrambi. :ok:
view post Posted on 14/4/2007, 19:08

ho trovato un sito dove si parla del film.. metto il link.. http://movies.about.com/od/premonition/a/premonjm031107.htm
view post Posted on 14/4/2007, 21:55

Grazie per l'articolo Letybloom. :D
view post Posted on 28/5/2007, 11:11

Un' altra intervistina :wub:

The good doctor Doom also catches us up on the next season of NIP/TUCK


By EMMANUEL ITIER, Contributing Writer

Julian McMahon doesn’t cut people up and make them pretty or try to rule the world in the new thriller PREMONITION. Instead he dies. That’s pretty much his big job in the film is to be a dad, husband, and then die tragically on the road, which sends his wife (Sandra Bullock) on a time bending adventure to try to save him. iF Magazine chatted with McMahon about his new click, why he doesn’t do more movies, and what’s coming up on NIP/TUCK this new season.

iF MAGAZINE: What was the mood like for Sandra and you behind the scenes?

JULIAN MCMAHON: The mood was very variable. It depended on what was kind of going on. I had a lighter schedule than her, obviously, because you know she's in kind of every frame of the movie, right? So, she was there everyday, all day, so, I had to be a little kind of careful, just because I'd be out playing golf...sampling the local cuisine or whatever, you know what I mean? And I'd come in and go, "hey, there's this fantastic restaurant down here!" [Laughter] and they'd be like, "get out of here." But you got to be a little sensitive to the fact that she's going through what she's going through. So sometimes it would be a little...it was tense. Sometimes it was tense when the two of us were on set, you know we had pretty intense scenes. That scene that kind of got cut down to a pretty small scene, but that scene where I'm cleaning up the glass was an intense scene and the mood was bad. It was bad all night long. And it was so bad that we didn't even get the scene right we don't think, and we went back and re-shot it, because we didn't feel like we got it. And everyone was so angry and the scene was a lot longer and a lot more kind of intense or whatever but...and then like the first scene in the movie was like the first scene we actually shot, and that was just kind of a giddy kind of scene, you know what I mean? So that was fun, we were just laughing around and having a good time-plus it was our first day of shooting.

iF: Compared to other actresses that you've worked with, can you talk about working with Sandra Bullock?

MCMAHON: I wouldn't want to compare it to anybody but just working with her is... you know, I've been as big a Sandy fan as everybody else has for however long we've known her for. I've admired her work from a distance for a long time and like other actors that I've admired, I'd love to have had the opportunity to work with her and I got this opportunity. This was a great movie for me because it's a little different; I've been working on television for a long time and its also different from FANTASTIC FOUR stuff and whatever else. We went down there three weeks early and we just hashed out everything, me, the director, Sandy, the writer, all just sat around the table and talked for three weeks about what we thought was the way to deal with this movie. What were our thoughts and feelings about it, what we thought about our characters, each others characters and so everything just got laid out on the table and so I really got to work with her in a very kind of deep and thoughtful way. We would go in and do scenes and me and Mennan and Sandy would sit around and talk for an hour and a half, the crew would go off and eat and do whatever they wanted to, and we would talk for an hour and half or two hours about what we thought the scene was about. We got that luxury. Mennan gave us that luxury, and then Sandy and I would consistently talk about things. Whenever we thought about something, call each other or just talk about it or whatever so you really got to...we both do what we do because love it. So it's kind of one of the most important things in your life, aside from your children, your family and your really good friends. So to work with somebody like that in that kind of capacity is really kind of getting to know them in a very significant way. And then on top of that she's just an absolutely extraordinary person.

MCMAHON: I'd get out of the damn thing! [Laughter]

iF: Did you question that scene?

MCMAHON: You know I can't remember what ended up in the movie. It felt like I was there for 20 minutes, I'm going, "all right, where are my keys? [Laughter] Why can't I [inaudible] Why am I not getting out? Because it's jammed...it's jammed. How long is it jammed for?" You know, it was like, I had to play that for a very long period of time. They were like, "do it again!" I feel like a goose here, let me just...this is ridiculous, and you have to kind of put your faith in the fact that the director is going to make it work and the editor is going to make it work. But, yeah, you know I would have attempted an escape route different then...I would have smashed my head through the damn window if it came to that, but, you know, whatever, it wouldn't have made the movie, I don't think.

iF: Why you don't do a lot of big movies?

MCMAHON: It was something else. I was on some other...oh, yeah, that choice. That choice I made just 'cause I'd just had a baby and just gotten married. I felt like I needed to make money at that point and time so it's not like I could just go, "well, let's all move us to an apartment down on Yucca and we'll all...and I won't take a job for the next two years and just wait for a film to come." You know what I mean you kind of have to make different choices for different things.

iF: Coming back to NIP/TUCK, how is Christian going to rule L.A.?

MCMAHON: Ha! Did you see the last episode of us under the Hollywood sign, wasn't that hysterical? It's very rare that you get to shoot that sign-I thought it was pretty incredible. You know I don't really know exactly what we're doing. We're going to have a sit-down in the next couple weeks-next few weeks and talk about what we're doing. But they have, you know they set up their practice right on Rodeo Drive, which is obviously pretty central to where you think it should be and then it's funded by Rosie O'Donnell's character. It's going to be a lot of fun with a lot of great characters.

iF: Do you think the L.A. scene is going to faze Christian's way with women? Will he face some resistance?

MCMAHON: [Laughter] Uh-ha [pauses] I don't think so...I don't think resistance is going to be a part of it, no.

iF: He'll still be Christian?

MCMAHON: Yeah, definitely. I mean, you know he's evolved a lot over the series you know the four years, but I don't think he's ever had any resistance. I don't think that's going to stop. That's the fun of the character, I mean, basically.

view post Posted on 29/5/2007, 16:04

Grazie Sissy .... :fiori: Anche questa intervista è LUNGHISSIMA!!!!!!! :cry: Un riassuntino veloce ? Vi rego!!!! :red:
view post Posted on 29/5/2007, 17:04

Riassunto con traduzione oserei dire !!!
view post Posted on 30/5/2007, 09:44

CITAZIONE (anim47 @ 29/5/2007, 17:04)
Grazie Sissy .... :fiori: Anche questa intervista è LUNGHISSIMA!!!!!!! :cry: Un riassuntino veloce ? Vi rego!!!! :red:

Vediamo se ci riesco...

Dice che lavorare con Sandra e' stato incredibile, innanzitutto perche' lui e' un suo fan da sempre e l'ammira molto, anche se e' stato comunque un lavorare sodo e a volte duro e in ogni caso l'ambiente era ottimale
Poi gli chiedono se non ha trovato strana la scena in cui lui resta li' a vedersi arrivare un camion addosso e lui non cerca di uscire dall'auto...in effetti risponde che se gli capitasse piuttosto romperebbe la testa contro il finestrino pur di uscire, ma d'altronde se avesse voluto cambiare o mettere in discussione le scene del film non avrebbe accettato la parte!
Il motivo per cui non ha fatto molti film e' stato che ha dovuto fare una scelta essendo appena diventato padre e sposato da poco.
Poi dice riguardo a nip/tuck che ha trovato divertente, buffa l'ultima scena della 4a serie davanti all'Hollywood Sign, che Christian non crede trovera' resistenza nelle donne di Hollywood (e intanto Julian ride) e anzi, sara' il Christian che siamo abituati a vedere (parla delle donne), in fondo e' la sua caratteristica essenziale! (nota di Silvia: EVVAI! :hurrah: )

Spero di non aver fatto caos nel mettere giu' questa "specie" di traduzione, se ho sbagliato qlcs x favore non bannatemi ( :angel: ), ce l'ho messa tutta! ^_^
view post Posted on 30/5/2007, 09:57

GRAZIE GRAZIE GRAZIE GRAZIE GRAZIE .... :fiori: :hug: :fiori:
view post Posted on 30/5/2007, 14:44

Grazie!!!!!! :coppia: sei stata davvero carinissima!!!!!Grazie!!!! :hug:
view post Posted on 30/5/2007, 15:01

CITAZIONE (julemm @ 30/5/2007, 10:57)
GRAZIE GRAZIE GRAZIE GRAZIE GRAZIE .... :fiori: :hug: :fiori:

anim47 Inviato il: 30/5/2007, 15:44
Grazie!!!!!! sei stata davvero carinissima!!!!!Grazie!!!!

:red: :sun: di niente! ^_^
view post Posted on 30/5/2007, 18:40

grazie sissy, vai così :hug: :hug:
view post Posted on 31/5/2007, 23:31

Half Demon Girl



Grazie Sissy :fiori:
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